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Are We Living In An Age Of Distraction

Are We Living in an Age of Distraction?

Former senator and ambassador Amanda Vanstone weighs in.

In a recent interview, Amanda Vanstone shared her thoughts on the topic of distraction in the modern age. Vanstone, a former senator and federal government minister who has also served as Australia's ambassador to the United States, believes that we are indeed living in an age of distraction. She cites the constant bombardment of information from our smartphones, computers, and televisions as a major contributing factor.

Vanstone argues that this constant stream of information can make it difficult for us to focus on the task at hand. She also believes that it can lead to a sense of overwhelm and anxiety. "We're constantly being bombarded with information, and it's hard to know what to pay attention to and what to ignore," she says. "I think it's leading to a lot of people feeling stressed and overwhelmed."

So, what can we do to combat the age of distraction? Vanstone suggests that we start by taking breaks from our devices. She also recommends that we make an effort to be more mindful of how we spend our time. "It's important to be intentional about what you're paying attention to," she says. "And it's important to take breaks from your devices so that you can recharge and refocus."

Vanstone's insights are a valuable reminder that we need to be mindful of the impact of distraction in our lives. By taking steps to reduce the amount of time we spend on our devices and by being more intentional about how we spend our time, we can create a more focused and fulfilling life.
